Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wheels Up

Welcome to my mini blog/journal for my month in Quito, Ecuador! I'm hoping my prompt start bodes well for regular posting. 

The week before travel is always so stressful! End of rotation tasks, seeing friends and family before I go, brushing up on Spanish, finalizing my rank list, and packing everything I could need for one month in under 50lbs certainly kept me quite busy this week. Luckily, traveling on Saturday afternoon is a dream - the airport was empty and security was a breeze! I'm feeling much more relaxed as I sit here on the airplane at Logan. 

I'll be traveling almost 12 hours. 4 hours to Houston, layover, then 5hrs to Quito. Fortunately there will be someone to meet me at the airport, since I'll be arriving at midnight, local time. Until then, I have some novels to read in English (pleasure reading! what a treat!), some things to read in Spanish, and I'll be hydrating vigorously to help the adjustment to Quito's elevation if 9000ft. 

Thanks for reading, I hope to be posting again soon! ¡Adios, estados-unidos, Hasta pronto!

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